Yes, Loki is younger than Thor.According to Avengers: Infinity War (released in 2018), the MCU version of Thor was around 1500 years old since he told Rocket Racoon, “sweet Rabbit” about his age.
“You know, I’m 1500 years old. I’ve killed twice as enemies as that.”So considering this data, he must have been born in 518 AD.
Whereas, Loki was around 1053-54 years old at the end game of Avengers when Thanos killed him. Therefore, considering Loki’s 1054 years old in 2018, he must have been born in 964 AD.
Odin, the one-eyed All-father, the king of Asgard, defeated Laufey, the king of Jotunheim nearly a thousand years ago and took Loki, the firstborn of Laufey, from Jotunheim as an infant and raised him as his own child and foresighted of the fact that someday, this will bring the treaty among the two kingdoms, leaving behind further blood-shed.
Now, it can be concluded from the available above-mentioned data that, Loki is around 446 Asgardian years younger than Thor.
According to Avengers: Infinity War (released in 2018), the MCU version of Thor was around 1500 years old since he told Rocket Racoon, “sweet Rabbit” about his age.
- “You know, I’m 1500 years old. I’ve killed twice as enemies as that.”So considering this data, he must have been born in 518 AD.
- The average lifespan of Asgardians is around 5100 years, as in Thor: The Dark World.
- The average lifespan of a human is 80 years old. So, if Thor is 1500 years old,1500 Asgardian years is equivalent to = 1500 / 5100 * 80
= 23.5 human years.
5100 years might not be the average lifespan of Asgardian, so considering it as a peak value, it would be better to pick the average peak lifespan of Humans. Be it 100 years. Well, that would make the calculation easier.
- Thor is 1500 years old ;1500 Asgardian years is equivalent to = 1500 / 5100 * 100 = 29.41 human years Thor’s age can be decoded or assumed by such calculations.
Loki was around 1053-54 years old at Avengers End Game when Thanos killed him in front of his step-brother Thor Odinson. Therefore, considering Loki’s 1054 years old in 2018, he must have been born in 964 AD.
- The average lifespan of Asgardians is around 5100 years, as in Thor: The Dark World.
- The average lifespan of a human is around 80 years old. So, if Loki is 1054 years old,
- 1054 Asgardian years is equivalent to = 1054 / 5100 * 80= 16.5 human years.
5100 years might not be the average lifespan of Asgardian, so considering it as a peak value, it would be better to pick the average peak lifespan of Humans. Be it 100 years. Well, that would make the calculation easier.
Loki is 1054 years old .So, 1054 Asgardian years is equivalent to = 1054 / 5100 * 100
= 20.67 human years.
Loki’s age can be decoded or assumed by such average value and peak value calculations.
Frost Giants and Asgardians age very differently.One scene from the movie Thor: Ragnarok (2017) has provided a confusing theory where Thor says:
“This one time when we were children he transformed himself into a snake and he knows I love snakes so I went to pick up the snake to admire it and he transformed back into himself and was like “YARGH IT’S ME!” and then he stabbed me. We were eight at the time.”
- But in Avengers: Infinity War (released in 2018), the MCU version of Thor was around 1500 years old he must have been born in 518 AD.
- Whereas, Loki was around 1053-54 years old at the Avengers End game
- When Thanos killed him in front of his step-brother Thor Odinson.
- Considering Loki’s 1054 years old in 2018, he must have been born in 964 AD.
As per other movies in MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE (MCU), Loki is around 446 Asgardian years younger than Thor Read related post space movie was made .
But according to the contradictory dialogue from the movie Thor Ragnarok, Thor and Loki both were Eight years old at the same time.
- The average lifespan of Asgardians is around 5100 years, as in Thor: The Dark World.
- The average lifespan of a human is around 80 years old. So, if Thor is 1500 years old,
- 1500 Asgardian years is equivalent to = 1500 / 5100 * 80
= 23.5 human years
So, if Loki is 1054 years old,
- 1054 Asgardian years is equivalent to = 1054 / 5100 * 80
= 16.5 human years.
5100 years might not be the average lifespan of Asgardian, so considering it as a peak value, it would be better to pick the average peak lifespan of Humans. Be it 100 years. Well, that would make the calculation easier.
Thor is 1500 years old
- 1500 Asgardian years is equivalent to = 1500 / 5100 * 100
= 29.41 human years
Loki is 1054 years old
- So, 1054 Asgardian years is equivalent to = 1054 / 5100 * 100
= 20.67 human years.
Thor is older than Loki by 7-9 human years as decoded or assumed by such average value and peak value calculations.
No, Thor and Loki are not of the same age in MCU.
Since Thor himself told Rocket Racoon, “sweet Rabbit” about his age that he was 1500 years old, so he must have been born in 518 AD, and on the other hand, Loki was around 1053-54 years old at the end of Avengers when Thanos killed him, he must have been born in 964 AD.
Loki is around 446 Asgardian years younger than Thor. Since Frost Giants and Asgardians age very differently, that’s being said, the discrepancy might lie in Thor and Loki’s childhood.
5100 years might not be the average lifespan of Asgardian, so considering t as the peak value, it would be better to pick the average peak lifespan of Humans. Be it 100 years. Well, that would make the calculation easier.
Thor is 1500 years old
- 1500 Asgardian years is equivalent to = 1500 / 5100 * 100
= 29.41 human years
And, Loki is 1054 years old
- 1054 Asgardian years is equivalent to = 1054 / 5100 * 100
= 20.67 human years.
- Thor is around 7 years older than Loki as per average calculation and 9 years older as per peak value calculations.
To Summarize
It can be summarized from the above data that Thor and Loki are not of the same age. In Avengers Infinity War, Thor was 1500 years old whereas, the age of Loki was 1053-54 years old in Avengers: End Game.
Although, in Thor: Ragnarok, Thor and Loki were apparently eight years old at the same time. Here the plot turns a little confusing. But all the calculations do provide enough results proving Thor and Loki are not of the same age.